Monday, September 12, 2011

Giggling is Nasty

Giggling is a nasty habit. Though enjoyable for the person engaged in it, it generally strikes fear -or at least discomfort- in the hearts of others. There is some thing about the very nature of giggling that leaves the hearer with the impression that it is at his or her expense. Especially as one covers the mouth when giggling. Ask any teenage boy how he feels about a group of giggling female contemporaries and watch a look of horror pass over his face.

Imagine you are standing in the magazine section of your local superstore - just reaching out to select a copy of your favorite stamp collecting periodical - and behind you there is a staccato burst of giggling. You quickly pull your hand back and assume a confused expression as if you were accidentally reaching for the wrong item. You are afraid that the giggling was directed at you and expressed disdain for those who display an interest in stamp collecting.

Suppose you have just stepped up to the counter and asked the barrista to prepare you a half-caf, triple mocha latte with soy milk and your ears are assaulted by a volley of giggles. Immediately, in a gruff voice, you add a large extra-bold black coffee with double caffeine to your order in a manner that indicates that the first part of your request was for your frail grandmother.

Giggling is unkind. It is thoughtless and inconsiderate. So, why can't I refrain from doing it when the patron in front of me at the grocery store is buying petroleum jelly and a large cucumber?

1 comment:

  1. I had a lovely, deep, comment in mind...Until the last sentance, now all I can do is admit to giggling. ^^
